...as a star appears...


1.  That song …. rhyme which reminds me of the love in this life … it’s my parents dancing in the serenity of love

2.  That phrase … pentas di atas bintang, it’s for my lovely husband, my lovely kids, my sist.s, brother n my parents spirits….
3.  That quiet poems..
4.  That life..
5.  That love..
6.  That dance..
7.  That leaving of those people, 
I love you all and I thank you for this revenge spirits you pressed me on, which kept my dreams, desire and passions then coming to arise so high, higher than that one utmost bright star … sory, no more wasting of my time even a very tiny bit to think of in a slightly one
8.  That palace is only for my daughters, my husband and my family
9.  That fulfillness spirits of my team dreams fill my heart, my life, my soul …